PowerShell Commands A-Z

Posted by NGTHFONG - 阮・青・風 On Wednesday, November 11, 2009 0 コメント

Nhân tiện đang xài 2k8, gửi cho 1 số bạn có hứng thú với PowerShell bảng thống kê lệnh từ A-Z! Have Fun!

   Get-Acl                    Get permission settings for a file or registry key
   Set-Acl                    Set permissions
   Get-Alias            gal   Return alias names for Cmdlets
   Import-Alias        ipal   Import an alias list from a file
   New-Alias            nal   Create a new alias.
   Set-Alias            sal   Create or change an alias
   Get-AuthenticodeSignature  Get the signature object associated with a file
   Set-AuthenticodeSignature  Place a signature in a .ps1 script or other file
   Set-Location  cd/chdir/sl  Set the current working location
   Get-ChildItem   dir/ls/gci Get child items (contents of a folder or registry key)
   Get-Command          gcm   Retrieve basic information about a command
   Measure-Command            Measure running time
   Trace-Command              Trace an expression or command
   Add-Content           ac   Add to the content of the item
   Get-Content   cat/type/gc  Get content from item (specific location)
   Set-Content           sc   Set content in the item (specific location)
   Clear-Content        clc   Remove content from a file/item
   ConvertTo-Html             Convert the input into an HTML table
   ConvertFrom-SecureString   Convert a secure string into an encrypted standard string
   ConvertTo-SecureString     Convert an encrypted standard string into a secure string
   Clear-Host      clear/cls  Clear the screen
   Clear-Item           cli   Remove content from a variable or an alias
   Copy-Item     copy/cp/cpi  Copy an item from a namespace location
   Get-Credential             Get a security credential (username/password)
   Get-Culture                Get region information (language and keyboard layout)
   Get-ChildItem   dir/ls/gci Get child items (contents of a folder or registry key)
   Get-Date                   Get current date and time
   Set-Date                   Set system time on the host system
   Remove-Item  del/erase/rd/rm/rmdir   Remove an item
   Do                         Loop while a condition is True
   Get-PSDrive          gdr   Get drive information (DriveInfo)
   New-PSDrive      mount/ndr Install a new drive on the machine
   Remove-PSDrive       rdr   Remove a provider/drive from its location
   Get-Eventlog               Get eventlog data
   Get-ExecutionPolicy        Get the execution policy for the shell
   Set-ExecutionPolicy        Change the execution policy (user preference)
   Export-Alias         epal  Export an alias list to a file
   Export-Clixml              Produce a clixml representation of powershell objects
   Export-Console             Export console configuration to a file
   Export-Csv          epcsv  Export to Comma Separated Values (spreadsheet)
   Invoke-Expression          Run a PowerShell expression
   Exit                       Exit Powershell (or exit a script)
   ForEach-Object    foreach  Loop for each object in the pipeline
   ForEach                    Loop through values in the pipeline
   For                        Loop through items that match a condition
   Format-Custom         fc   Format output using a customized view
   Format-List           fl   Format output as a list of properties, each on a new line
   Format-Table          ft   Format output as a table
   Format-Wide           fw   Format output as a table listing one property only
   Get-Item              gi   Get a file/registry object (or any other namespace object)
   Get-ChildItem   dir/ls/gci Get child items (contents of a folder or registry key)
   Get-Help            help   Open the help file
   Add-History                Add entries to the session history
   Get-History  history/h/ghy Get a listing of the session history
   Invoke-History     r/ihy   Invoke a previously executed Cmdlet
   Get-Host                   Get host information
   Clear-Host      clear/cls  Clear the screen
   Read-Host                  Read a line of input from the host console
   Write-Host                 Display objects through the host user interface
   if                         Conditionally perform a command
   Import-Clixml              Import a clixml file and rebuild the PS object
   Import-Csv         ipcsv   Take values from a CSV list and send objects down the pipeline.
   Get-Item              gi   Get a file object or get a registry (or other namespace) object
   Invoke-Item           ii   Invoke an executable or open a file (START)
   New-Item              ni   Create a new item in a namespace
   Remove-Item  rm/del/erase/rd/ri/rmdir   Remove an item
   Set-Item              si   Change the value of an item
   Clear-ItemProperty         Delete the value of a property
   Copy-ItemProperty          Copy a property along with its value
   Get-ItemProperty           Retrieve the properties of an object
   Move-ItemProperty          Move a property from one location to another
   New-ItemProperty           Set a new property of an item at a location
   Remove-ItemProperty        Delete the property and its value from an item
   Rename-ItemProperty        Rename a property of an item
   Set-ItemProperty           Set the value of a property
   Stop-Process    kill/spps  Stop a running process
   Get-Location    pwd / gl   Get and display the current location
   Pop-Location        popd   Set the current working location from the stack
   Push-Location      pushd   Push a location to the stack
   Set-Location  cd/chdir/sl  Set the current working location
   Add-Member                 Add a member to an instance of a PowerShell object
   Get-Member            gm   Enumerate the properties of an object
   Move-Item      move/mv/mi  Move an item from one location to another
   Compare-Object             Compare the properties of objects
   Group-Object       group   Group the objects that contain the same value for a common property
   Measure-Object             Measure the properties of an object
   New-Object                 Create a new .Net object
   Select-Object     select   Select properties of objects
   Sort-Object         sort   Sort objects by property value
   Where-Object               Filter the objects passed along the command pipeline.
   Out-Default                Send output to default
   Out-File                   Send command output to a file
   Out-Host              oh   Send the pipelined output to the host
   Out-Null                   Send output to null
   Out-Printer           lp   Send the output to a printer
   Out-String                 Send objects to the host as strings
   Powershell                 Launch a powershell session
   Convert-Path        cvpa   Convert a ps path to a provider path
   Join-Path                  Combine a path and child-path
   Resolve-Path        rvpa   Resolves the wildcards in a path
   Split-Path                 Return part of a path
   Test-Path                  Return true if the path exists, otherwise return false
   Get-Pfxcertificate         Get pfx certificate information
   Pop-Location        popd   Set the current working location from the stack
   Push-Location      pushd   Push a location to the stack
   Get-Process       ps/gps   Get a list of processes on a machine
   Stop-Process    kill/spps  Stop a running process
   Clear-ItemProperty   clp   Remove the property value from a property
   Copy-ItemProperty    cpp   Copy a property along with it's value
   Get-ItemProperty      gp   Retrieve the properties of an object
   Move-ItemProperty     mp   Move a property from one location to another
   New-ItemProperty           Set a new property
   Remove-ItemProperty   rp   Remove a property and its value
   Rename-ItemProperty  rnp   Renames a property at its location
   Set-ItemProperty      sp   Set a property at the specified location to a specified value
   Get-PsProvider             Get information for the specified provider
   Set-PSdebug                Turn script debugging on or off
   Add-PsSnapIn               Add snap-ins to the console
   Get-PsSnapin               List PowerShell snap-ins on this computer
   Remove-PSSnapin            Remove PowerShell snap-ins from the console
   Quest AD cmdlets           Read and write to Active Directory
   Read-Host                  Read a line of input from the host console
   Remove-Item  rm/del/erase/rd/ri/rmdir   Remove an item
   Rename-Item      ren/rni   Change the name of an existing item
   Rename-ItemProperty        Rename a property of an item
   Run/Call             &     Run a command (call operator)
   Select-Object     select   Select properties of objects
   Get-Service          gsv   Get a list of services
   New-Service                Create a new service
   Restart-Service            Stop and then restart a service
   Resume-Service             Resume a suspended service
   Set-Service                Change the start mode/properties of a service
   Sort-Object         sort   Sort objects by property value
   Start-Service       sasv   Start a stopped service
   Stop-Service        spsv   Stop a running service
   Suspend-Service            Suspend a running service
   Start-Sleep        sleep   Suspend shell, script, or runspace activity
   Switch                     Multiple if statements
   Select-String              Search through strings or files for patterns
   Tee-Object                 Send input objects to two places
   New-Timespan               Create a timespan object
   Trace-Command              Trace an expression or command
   Get-Tracesource            Get components that are instrumented for tracing.
   Set-Tracesource            Trace a PowerShell component
   Start-Transcript           Start a transcript of a command shell session
   Stop-Transcript            Stop the transcription process
   Get-Uiculture              Get the ui culture information
   Get-Unique            gu   Get the unique items in a collection
   Update-Formatdata          Update and append format data files
   Update-Typedata            Update the current extended type configuration
   Clear-Variable       clv   Remove the value from a variable
   Get-Variable          gv   Get a powershell variable
   New-Variable          nv   Create a new variable
   Remove-Variable       rv   Remove a variable and its value
   Set-Variable      set/sv   Set a variable and a value
   Where-Object       where   Filter input from the pipeline
   While                      Loop while a condition is True
   Get-WMIobject       gwmi   Get WMI class information
   Write-Debug                Write a debug message to the host display
   Write-Error                Write an object to the error pipeline.
   Write-Output        echo   Write an object to the pipeline
   Write-Progress             Display a progress bar
   Write-Verbose              Write a string to the host's verbose display
   Write-Warning              Write a warning message
   #                          Comment / Remark

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:)) ;)) ;;) :D ;) :p :(( :) :( :X =(( :-o :-/ :-* :| 8-} :)] ~x( :-t b-( :-L x( =))

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