How To Add Adsense In Blogspot Post Area

Posted by NGTHFONG - 阮・青・風 On Monday, March 1, 2010 0 コメント
Are you own a blog and you have an adsense account?then you can earn money from your blog by simply  enabling adsense in your blog.In blogger we normaly we can show adds in only three areas.
1)Above the post heading
2)End of the post
3)In sidebar
But In most of the adsene enabled website you will see adds below the post heading,some time the adds will be wrapped around the next and some time in midle of the post.
Just see the below screen shots
In most of the adsense blogs blogs you can see the  

f you want show Adds like above here is the blogspot hack.I will give you the steps by steps instructions for adding adds like this.
Step 1
Log in to your blogspot(blogger) account with your gmail user name and password
Step 2
Go to settings-layout-edit html and click on the "Expand Widget Templates" option

Step 3
For doing next step copy the all xml notes into a notepad
Step 4  
  in the xml that copied into the notepad
Step 5
Copy the below code just above  the
<div style='float:left;margin:0 5px 5px 0;width:336px;height:280px;overflow:hidden;'>
<Your Parsed adsense code paste here>

Then you people have doubt what is parsed adsense code.It nothing but we are making the adsense normal code xml compatable.For that you can click the below link
Copy the parsed html like below
<div style='float:left;margin:0 5px 5px 0;width:336px;height:280px;overflow:hidden;'>
<Your Parsed adsense code paste here>
You can define the adsense area size by changing the width and height in above
Copy the above code just abobe th<p><data:post.body/></p> in the html.Then it would be just like this,

Now copy the new editted html from the notepad to blogger and save it.Adsense take 10minute to show the ads in the post area.It will look like below

I am hoping everybody understood the step by step instruction.Try it today itself and increase your revenue from adsense.
In my next hub I will show you how to show adds in middle of the post.So keep in touch with me.
Thanks for all of you.

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